1、你为什幺去美国?你去美国做什幺?你去学什幺?What are you going to study in USA? 2、你打算去哪个学校?Where are you going to study? 3、你觉得你出国学习后取得的学位在你得国家有什幺用途?How will you use that degree in your home country? 4、你是第一次申请美国签证吗?Is this the first time you are applyingfor a student visa? 5、你以前去过美国吗?去做什幺?Have you ever traveled to the U.S. before? If yes, what did you do there? 6、你完成学习后打算留在美国吗?Do you plan to re*in in the United States after your stu*s? 7、你有充足的留学资金吗?Does your family or other financial sponsor really have enough money to support you? 8、你有亲戚在美国吗?假如有他们是做什幺的?Are any members of your family currently living in the U.S.? If yes, what are they doing there? 9、你什幺时候能够完成学业?When do you plan to finish your stu*s? 以上就是关于美国留学签证面试官通常会问什么?的详细信息,如果有任何疑问或是更多问题,可以随时点击小满客服老师进行咨询,小满留学帮你牵手世界名校~ 点击收起