专业名称 | 专业英文名称 |
文理学院 | |
美国种族研究 | American Ethnic Studies |
美国种族研究(非裔美国人研究) | American Ethnic Studies (African American Studies) |
美国种族研究(亚太族美国人研究) | American Ethnic Studies (Asian/Pacific American Studies) |
美国种族研究(墨裔美国人研究) | American Ethnic Studies (Chicano Studies) |
美国种族研究(比较美国种族研究) | American Ethnic Studies (Comparative American Ethnic Studies) |
印第安人研究 | American Indian Studies |
人类学 | Anthropology |
人类学(全球化人类学) | Anthropology (Anthropology of Globalization) |
人类学(考古科学) | Anthropology (Archaeological Sciences) |
人类学(人类演化生物学) | Anthropology (Human Evolutionary Biology) |
人类学(医学人类学与全球卫生) | Anthropology (Medical Anthropology and Global Health) |
应用与计算数学科学 | Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences |
应用与计算数学科学(生物与生命科学) | Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (Biological and Life Sciences) |
应用与计算数学科学(离散数学与算法) | Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms) |
应用与计算数学科学(工程与物理科学) | Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (Engineering and Physical Sciences) |
应用与计算数学科学(数学经济学) | Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (Mathematical Economics) |
应用与计算数学科学(运筹学) | Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (Operations Research) |
应用与计算数学科学(科学计算与数值算法) | Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (Scientific Computing and Numerical Algorithms) |
应用与计算数学科学(社会与行为科学) | Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (Social and Behavioral Sciences) |
应用与计算数学科学(统计学) | Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (Statistics) |
艺术史 | Art History |
亚洲研究 | Asian Studies |
天文学 | Astronomy |
生物化学 | Biochemistry |
生物学 | Biology |
生物学(生态学、演化与保护生物学) | Biology (Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation) |
生物学(分子、细胞与发育生物学) | Biology (Molecular, Cellular, and Development) |
生物学(生理学) | Biology (Physiology) |
生物学(植物学) | Biology (Plant) |
加拿大研究 | Canadian Studies |
化学 | Chemistry |
汉语 | Chinese |
古典研究 | Classical Studies |
古典文学 | Classics |
传播学 | Communication |
传播学(新闻学) | Communication (Journalism) |
思想比较史 | Comparative History of Ideas |
比较文学 | Comparative Literature |
比较文学(电影研究) | Comparative Literature (Cinema Studies) |
比较宗教 | Comparative Religion |
作曲 | Composition (Music) |
计算机科学 | Computer Science |
舞蹈 | Dance |
舞蹈(创意研究) | Dance (Creative Studies) |
舞蹈(舞蹈研究) | Dance (Dance Studies) |
丹麦语 | Danish |
数字艺术与实验媒体 | Digital Arts and Experimental Media |
戏剧 | Drama |
戏剧(戏剧历史、理论与批评) | Drama (History, Theory, and Criticism) |
戏剧(表演) | Drama (Performance) |
戏剧(设计) | Drama (Design) |
经济学 | Economics |
英语 | English |
英语(创意写作) | English (Creative Writing) |
民族音乐学 | Ethnomusicology |
欧洲研究 | European Studies |
芬兰语 | Finnish |
法语 | French |
性别、女性与性研究 | Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies |
地理 | Geography |
地理(城市、市民与移民) | Geography (Cities, Citizenship, and Migration) |
地理(环境、经济与可持续发展) | Geography (Environment, Economy, and Sustainability) |
地理(全球化、卫生与发展) | Geography (Globalization, Health, and Development) |
地理(地理信息系统、绘图与社会) | Geography (GIS, Mapping, and Society) |
日耳曼语 | Germanics |
希腊语 | Greek |
吉他 | Guitar |
历史 | History |
科学历史与哲学 | History and Philosophy of Science |
残障研究 | Disability Studies |
音乐剧 | Musical Theater |
工业设计 | Industrial Design |
水产与渔类科学 | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences |
水产与渔类科学(天文学) | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (Astronomy) |
水产与渔类科学(大气科学) | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (Atmospheric Sciences) |
水产与渔类科学(生物学) | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (Biology) |
水产与渔类科学(化学) | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (Chemistry) |
水产与渔类科学(天文学) | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (Environmental and Forest Sciences) |
水产与渔类科学(地球与空间科学) | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (Earth and Space Sciences) |
水产与渔类科学(海洋学) | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (Oceanography) |
水产与渔类科学(物理) | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (Physics) |
社会科学 | Integrated Social Sciences |
交互设计 | Interaction Design |
交叉学科视觉艺术 | Interdisciplinary Visual Arts |
国际研究 | International Studies |
意大利语 | Italian |
日语 | Japanese |
日语(语言学) | Japanese (Linguistic) |
日语(文学) | Japanese (Literature) |
爵士乐研究 | Jazz Studies |
犹太研究 | Jewish Studies |
新闻学 | Journalism |
韩语 | Korean |
拉丁语 | Latin |
拉丁美洲与加勒比研究 | Latin American and Caribbean Studies |
法律、社会与公平 | Law, Societies, and Justice |
语言学 | Linguistics |
语言学(浪漫语言学) | Linguistics (Romance Linguistics) |
数学 | Mathematics |
数学(哲学) | Mathematics (Philosophy) |
数学(综合) | Mathematics (Comprehensive) |
数学(教学) | Mathematics (Teaching) |
微生物学 | Microbiology |
音乐 | Music |
音乐(音乐史) | Music (Music History) |
音乐(声乐) | Music (Voice) |
音乐(早期音乐) | Music (Early Music) |
音乐(音乐理论) | Music (Music Theory) |
音乐(乐器) | Music (Instrumental) |
音乐教育 | Music Education |
近东语言与文明 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilization |
近东语言与文明(近东文化与文明) | Near Eastern Languages and Civilization (Near Eastern Culture and Civilization) |
近东语言与文明(比较伊斯兰研究) | Near Eastern Languages and Civilization (Comparative Islamic Studies) |
近东语言与文明(圣经与古代近东研究) | Near Eastern Languages and Civilization (Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies) |
神经生物学 | Neurobiology |
挪威语 | Norwegian |
管弦乐器 | Orchestral Instruments |
风琴 | Organ (Music) |
绘画艺术 | Painting and Drawing |
打击乐 | Percussion |
打击乐(管弦打击乐) | Percussion (Orchestral Percussion) |
打击乐(键盘打击乐) | Percussion (Mallet Keyboard) |
哲学 | Philosophy |
媒体摄影 | Photomedia |
物理 | Physics |
物理(比较物理) | Physics (Comprehensive Physics) |
物理(应用物理) | Physics (Applied Physics) |
物理(生物物理) | Physics (Biophysics) |
物理(师范教育) | Physics (Teacher Preparation) |
钢琴 | Piano |
政治学 | Political Science |
政治学(政治经济学) | Political Science (Political Economy) |
政治学(国际安全) | Political Science (International Security) |
心理学 | Psychology |
斯堪的纳维亚研究 | Scandinavian Studies |
斯拉夫语言与文学 | Slavic Languages and Literatures |
斯拉夫语言与文学(俄罗斯语言、文学与文化) | Slavic Languages and Literatures (Russian Language, Literature, and Culture) |
斯拉夫语言与文学(东欧语言、文学和文化) | Slavic Languages and Literatures (Eastern European Languages, Literatures, and Culture) |
社会科学(夜间学位) | Social Science (Evening Degree) |
社会学 | Sociology |
南亚语言与文学(印地语与梵文) | South Asian Languages and Literature (Hindi and Sanskrit) |
西班牙语 | Spanish |
言语及听力科学 | Speech and Hearing Sciences |
统计学 | Statistics |
瑞典语 | Swedish |
三维设计 | Three Dimensional Forum |
视觉传达 | Visual Communication Design |
声乐 | Voice (Music) |
建筑环境学院 | |
建筑设计 | Architectural Design |
建筑学 | Architecture |
社区、环境与规划 | Community, Environment, and Planning |
施工管理 | Construction Management |
景观设计 | Landscape Architecture |
教育学院 | |
早期儿童与家庭研究 | Early Childhood and Family Studies |
工程学院 | |
航空航天工程 | Aeronautics and Astronautics |
生物工程 | Bioengineering |
生物工程(纳米科学与分子工程) | Bioengineering (Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering) |
化学工程 | Chemical Engineering |
化学工程(纳米科学与分子工程) | Chemical Engineering (Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering) |
土木与环境工程 | Civil and Environmental Engineering |
计算机工程 | Computer Engineering |
电气工程 | Electrical Engineering |
人本设计与工程 | Human Centered Design and Engineering |
工业工程 | Industrial Engineering |
材料科学与工程 | Materials Science and Engineering |
材料科学与工程(纳米科学与分子工程) | Materials Science and Engineering (Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering) |
机械工程 | Mechanical Engineering |
机械工程(机电一体化) | Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics) |
机械工程(纳米科学与分子工程) | Mechanical Engineering (Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering) |
环境学院 | |
水产与渔类科学 | Aquatic and Fishery Sciences |
大气科学 | Atmospheric Sciences |
生物资源科学与工程 | Bioresource Science and Engineering |
地球与空间科学 | Earth and Space Sciences |
地球与空间科学(地球生物学) | Earth and Space Sciences (Geobiology) |
地球与空间科学(地质学) | Earth and Space Sciences (Geology) |
地球与空间科学(地球物理) | Earth and Space Sciences (Geohysics) |
地球与空间科学(环境地球科学) | Earth and Space Sciences (Environmental Earth Sciences) |
环境科学与陆地资源管理 | Environmental Science and Terrestrial Resource Management |
环境科学与陆地资源管理(景观生态与保护) | Environmental Science and Terrestrial Resource Management (Landscape Ecology and Conservation) |
环境科学与陆地资源管理(恢复生态学和环境园艺) | Environmental Science and Terrestrial Resource Management (Restoration Ecology and Environmental Horticulture) |
环境科学与陆地资源管理(可持续森林管理) | Environmental Science and Terrestrial Resource Management (Sustainable Forest Management) |
环境科学与陆地资源管理(野生动物保护) | Environmental Science and Terrestrial Resource Management (Wildlife Conservation) |
环境研究 | Environmental Studies |
海洋学 | Oceanography |
海洋学(生物海洋学) | Oceanography (Biological Oceanography) |
海洋学(化学海洋学) | Oceanography (Chemical Oceanography) |
海洋学(物理海洋学) | Oceanography (Physical Oceanography) |
海洋学(海洋地质与地球物理) | Oceanography (Marine Geology and Geophysics) |
信息学院 | |
信息学 | Informatics |
信息学(人机交互) | Informatics (Human-Computer Interaction) |
信息学(信息架构) | Informatics (Information Architecture) |
商学院 | |
工商管理 | Business Administration |
工商管理(会计) | Business Administration (Accounting) |
工商管理(企业管理) | Business Administration (Entrepreneurship) |
工商管理(金融) | Business Administration (Finance) |
工商管理(人力资源管理) | Business Administration (Human Resources Management) |
工商管理(信息系统管理) | Business Administration (Information Systems) |
工商管理(市场营销) | Business Administration (Marketing) |
工商管理(运营与物流管理) | Business Administration (Operations and Supply Chain Management) |
医学院 | |
医学实验室科学 | Medical Laboratory Science |
护理学院 | |
护理 | Nursing |
公共卫生学院 | |
环境与卫生 | Environmental Health |
卫生信息及其管理 | Health Informatics and Health Information Management |
公共卫生 | Public Health |
社会工作学院 | |
社会福利 | Social Welfare |